Monday, February 13, 2012

Princess Yvonne

Princess Yvonne

By: Edward H’ Wolf

Princess Yvonne a High Royal Fairy Princess Witch embarks on a quest with three brave and noble half Human - half Fairy men to the treacherous mountains of Angeland to end the nightmarish Black Plague of Death that was caused by her evil step-sister Stella and her demonic pet Black Dragon that spread the dreaded disease throughout the land. As they reach the mountain where Stella and the Dragon live inside a cave, they encounter foul smelling hideous Ogre, Troll, and a few other weird creatures so foul and destructive that no one who has ever encountered them ever survived.

Secluded Mansion Nights

Secluded Mansion Nights

By: Edward H’ Wolf

There is no escape from the clutches of the evil that hides within the walls of the old farmhouse mansion; the mansion beyond the cornfield where its darkness lures its unsuspecting prey.

Secrets still flourish as they lay and wait… yet to be discovered, in the small thriving community of about two hundred adults and four times as many children. The playful, the curious, and the brave, but not so the same of the children of Hyde Park that are waiting to float unsuspected into the unknown elements inside that eerie and disoriented Secluded Mansion on the other side of Buck Creek.

There is a thriving world of eerie mazes lying beneath the mansion and throughout its many rooms that takes you to a realm of experiences that would frighten the soul right out of even a God fearing and faithful preacher, or the saints of the communities Willow Street Baptist Church. The contents within will penetrate your very existence, and thrill you all the way from beginning to the end.